


The journey that George Tatge undertakes to discover the Italian territory goes under the sign of an analysis that is both lyrical and merciless, curious and lucid, always surprising even when he deals with apparently known subjects and themes, bordering on the obvious. The scansion of this score is immediately legible, it is a progression – almost narrative in nature – from purity to contamination, from the predominance of nature to the coexistence of nature and artefact, from the absence to the presence of man through his signs. Man exists, in fact, only through the traces he has left in natural space, through the changes he has imposed on him, through the imprint of his own passage on a land which, moreover, continues its life, evolves, almost heedless of this presence, sometimes so violently cumbersome.


by Carlo Sisi

It seems to me, scrolling through the dummy of the catalog in which the sequence of photographs appears to us in the defining and transfiguring black and white to which Tatge has long accustomed us , that the meaning of this Italian journey really manifests the poetic conviction that the ancient, the modern, the future coexist in creative units of secluded involvement and that the figurative deposit of history should be used as a legacy, as a material to be invented, perpetually new. For this reason the passages of the city and landscape, extracted as if they were expressive words from a famous page to consign them to the metaphysical enigma of estrangement, effectively summarize the poetics and technique of George Tatge: unconventional esthete of marginality, archaeologist of our recent defeats, ‘artisans’ (as the metaphysical twentieth century liked) of an imagined and true reality at the same time.


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