Animals, drawn, painted, sculpted, forged in ceramics, are the protagonists of this new exhibition of the Galleria del Laocoonte, which has selected among the works of his favorite artists, especially the great Italians of the early twentieth century, but also among the most ancient or contemporary, a sort of private zoo. There are more than one hundred works on display in which animals – dogs, cats, monkeys, ostriches, rhinos, roosters, elephants and many others – soften, move, intrigue, enchant or make you smile with their irresistible comedy. Many of the artists on display owe their fortune to animals. Carlo Antonio Raineri, Joseph Gott, Marino Marini, Andrea Spadini, Sirio Tofanari.

Laocoon Zoo
ART FAUNA, 16th – 21st CENTURY
Animals, drawn, painted, sculpted, forged in ceramics, are the protagonists of this new exhibition at the Galleria del Laocoonte.
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