Terms and conditions

Legal information

The website www.editricedarte.com is owned by Tau Editrice Srl, an Italian company with registered office in Via Umbria 148/7 – 06059 Todi (PG) – Registration in the Company Register PG – 205459

VAT number: 02265070546

Responsible director: Renzo Boschi

The website is hosted by:
Aruba spa
with headquarters in Via San Clemente n. 53
Ponte San Pietro (BG), Italy

Terms and conditions

Tau is a company …… ..with a capital of € …… with registered office in Via Umbria 148/7 – 06059 Todi (PG) – Registered in the Company Register PG – 205459, (hereinafter “Tau”) and provides print web www.taueditrice.it registered in the Company Register PG – 205459 (hereinafter the “Site”) which allows access to various types of information and to numerous complementary services and products, detailed below.

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “T&C”) are governed by Italian law and regulate the use of the Website and its free Services, also in terms of reception (hereinafter “Services”). Browsing and subscribing to our newsletter are subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

In the event of non-compliance with these T & Cs, Tau reserves the right to take any action to preserve its interests, including aspects relating to their application. To this end, Tau may attribute civil and criminal liability to the User.

Any conflicting clause not acceptable to Tau is inapplicable. Failure to prevail in any of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that right.

Article 1 – Definitions

Account – refers to the subscriber’s space, which allows him to access the website at login.

Content: refers to information and online publications, including their general structure, texts, figures, graphics and tables, animated or still images, videos, sounds, hyperlinks, trademarks and logos in the graphic charter and associated databases.

Contribution: any comments made by the User on the Content.

Form: refers to the online registration form that allows the User to register and benefit from the Tau Services.

Website: refers to all the Contents and Services offered by the Tau Website accessible at the address https://www.editricedarte.com and its sub-sites.

User: means any User, registered or not on the Site.

Article 2 – Presentation of the Site

2.1. The Site allows the User to:

– consult the Contents of the Site

– access various Services, subscribe to the newsletter, share and comment on the Contents.

– order and purchase books.

2.2 The Services combine:

– a free Service that offers the User the possibility to comment on the Contents and interact with other Users, logging in or not through their Account or their social network accounts.

– a free Service upon free registration that offers access to a Newsletter via your valid email address or your Account.

As the publisher of the Website, Tau is free to market the advertising spaces on the Website to advertisers of its choice. The User acknowledges that he has no rights to such spaces and must renounce any request or action to that effect.

Article 3 – Intellectual property rights of the website

The User renounces any reproduction or use of the trademarks and logos present on the Site, and to modify, copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit or distribute in any form, digital or otherwise, any piece of information, text, image , image, video, content or data of the Site, or any Content that may be protected pursuant to Article L112-1 of the Intellectual Property Code.

The violation of these Conditions subjects the perpetrator of the crime and any person liable to civil and criminal penalties under Italian law.

Tau and its partners are the exclusive owners of any intellectual property rights related to the logo and trademark name of the Site, its structure, layout and Content, for use around the world.

Tau grants the User a right to private, non-collective and non-exclusive use of its Content. This is limited to the right to print one or more articles and to save them on your computer (or on any medium such as phone or tablet) for personal use only. Any networking, redistribution or exploitation in the context of one’s commercial, commercial or professional activity is strictly prohibited, except with the prior consent of Tau. The same goes for RSS feeds and newsletters. For those who wish to exploit or use any Content in the context of their business or profession, in particular with regard to RSS feeds, please contact the Sales Office at “info@editricetau.com”.

Article 4 – User Contribution


4.1.1. Tau allows Users to express themselves, especially through exchanges and comments, but only on topics relating to the Contents of the Site, with full freedom as long as they are lawful and courteous.

4.1.2. The User, in publishing his / her comment (s), fully accepts that these can be reproduced by Tau. However, Tau is not responsible for the content of comments in general, including User Contributions.

The messages published on the Site express the User’s thoughts, not Tau’s. The articles and comments are published under the full and entire responsibility of the User involved.

4.1.3. As part of his Contribution to the Site, through texts and comments, the User is required to comply with the laws and regulations in force.

In particular, it guarantees that the storage and distribution of this Contribution through the Website does not constitute (i) a violation of the Intellectual Property Rights of third parties (in particular articles and publications not personally created by the Internet User and for which he does not have the necessary regulatory or third party approval), (ii) violation of personal rights (defamation, insult, slander, etc.) and privacy, (iii) offense to public order or morality (including the justification of crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, violent or pornographic content, etc.).

4.2. Moderation

The User must look at the comments posted on the Contributions and report any comments contrary to the Terms. Upon receiving the report, Tau will immediately delete the affected Contribution and, if necessary, notify the public authorities.

The User renounces to incorporate in his contributions any data that could interrupt or damage the proper functioning of the equipment and the telecommunications management of Tau and its Users, or allow unjustified access to other websites. Furthermore, he renounces any hypertext link or comment referring to other websites that violate the above provisions.

Article 5 – User’s responsibility

The User uses the Site and its Services at his own risk and at his own total responsibility. Tau cannot guarantee that the Site and its Services will not be interrupted. The obligation to provide information is limited to the duty of care.

The Contents, Contributions and any other data on the Website are not intended to provide advice on the faith or influence the decisions of the User. Tau declines all responsibility for the User’s trust in information and data, and for any person who may be informed of the Content. In no case should the User have read that the Contents or information on the Website are accurate or up-to-date, but they must verify the information independently.

Article 6 – Liability of Tau

6.1. Responsibility of Tau for Content

Neither Tau nor any of its partners can be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, that may derive from errors, omissions or delays in reporting on the Site.

Likewise, all the information that the User obtains through the Site and the Services offered by Tau (via e-mail, text message, etc.) do not constitute any guarantee on the part of Tau. All information and data published on the Site are carefully researched and are provided for information purposes only. The provision of data cannot be considered specific advice or a decision support tool.

The images and texts reproduced and illustrative of the products presented are provided for information only. Consequently, the Site will not be held responsible for any errors in an image or text.

The contents offered comply with the Italian law in force. Tau will not be held responsible in case of non-compliance with the legislation of the country in which the contents are published.

Tau warns holders of parental responsibility about the diversity of content available on the Internet, which could harm minors. Parents are therefore encouraged to supervise their children during access.

6.2. Responsibility of Tau for Contributions

Tau is not responsible for User Contributions on the Site.

On the contrary, in the event of a report by a User regarding the Contribution of another User, Tau undertakes to cancel the Contribution from the Site, if it does not comply with the applicable rules or the Tau Participation Card, and to notify the public. authority if necessary.

Article 7 – Accessibility of the website

The website is, in principle, accessible twenty-four seven, except during periods of scheduled maintenance of the site or for reasons of force majeure. Tau is subject to an obligation of means and cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage of any nature caused by the unavailability of the Site.

Article 8 – Link

The Site contains information from other external companies and hypertext links to other sites that have not been formulated by Tau. The existence of a website hyperlink to another website does not constitute validation of this website or its content. It is up to the User to use the information with discernment and a critical spirit. Tau cannot be held responsible for any information, opinion or recommendations made by third parties on other websites.

Tau has no means of controlling external sites and sources, and will not respond to or guarantee their availability.

Tau assumes no responsibility for their content or for the products, services or other items offered therein. However, if the content of a link is illegal, Tau will delete it, after being duly informed of such content.

Article 9 – Registration and access

9.1. Conditions of access to the Site

Access to the Site is free for anyone, regardless of age, and no formalities are required for the simple consultation of the Site. Anyone can create an account.

9.2. Conditions of access and registration to the Services

In order to use some of the Site Services, the User must create an account using the online registration form. Registration for an Account on Tau is intended for use by adults only. It is open to minors under the supervision of an adult.

By registering, the User guarantees to provide correct and updated information on his identity, contact details and valid e-mail address. Tau reserves the right to refuse a registration, suspend or close the Account if there is any doubt about this information. The User undertakes to immediately notify Tau if he notices unauthorized use of his Account by contacting info@editricedarte.com.

All users can read articles and comments and post their thoughts. The right to modify, at any time, the content of the personal data communicated on this occasion remains unaffected. Once the Form has been submitted, the User will receive an email to confirm registration by clicking on a link. The User can access their Account by entering their pseudo or valid email address and the reserved access code. Registration entitles you to use the Site. Tau reserves the right to terminate the User’s Account at any time by email and reasonable notice. In the event of non-compliance with these T & Cs, Tau may permanently or temporarily close the User’s Account without notice. Tau also reserves the right to delete any article or comment that violates the T & Cs or the Tau Participation Card (accessible via ……………) or that is the subject of a report issued by a third party.

Arcticle 10 – Proof, archiving and archiving

The computer files recorded in the computer system owned by the Site under reasonably safe conditions constitute proof of the sending of emails and Registration Forms and of the publication of Contents and comments. The filing of the registration forms is carried out in a reliable and sustainable way to comply with the Italian legislation in force, observing in particular the Legislative Decree 10 August 2018, n. 101 on data retention that allows the identification of the user’s personal information. In the event of a discrepancy between the computer files of Tau and the paper or electronic copies in the possession of the User, the computer files will prevail.

Article 11 – User’s personal data

The personal information identified as mandatory within the Form is essential to benefit from the functionality of the Website and its Services. This information is subject to the GDPR, Legislative Decree 10 August 2018, n. 101. They can be used by Tau, in accordance with the Italian legislation in force, for direct marketing purposes to provide Users with products or services similar to those for which the User has registered. In the event that the provisions of the law require your express consent for the communication of detailed information, the user can deny consent during registration by clicking on the corresponding button. The contract can also be revoked at any time by sending an e-mail to the following address: info@editricedarte.com. This information is confidential. Consequently, in accordance with the data protection law, the user has the right to access and rectify the information in his possession. This right can be exercised by post (info @ editricedarte.com).

In addition, this information will be kept to identify anyone who has added a Contribution.

Some services require the User to accept cookies. A cookie does not identify the user. It only records information on the navigation of the computer or mobile phone or tablet on the Site (pages viewed, etc.) that could be read at the moment as subsequent visits.

Such provision of information is necessary to use certain Services. Tau respects the privacy of its Users and strictly complies with the Italian laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedoms. For more information, the User can consult the “cookie” item on the Site.

Article 12 – Jurisdiction and applicable law

These T & Cs are subject to Italian law. In the event of a dispute, only the Italian courts will be qualified.

Article 13 – Autonomy of the clauses of the T&C

Should one of the provisions of these T & Cs be or become ineffective under the applicable law, the clause will be deemed non-existent, such nullity without prejudice to the validity of the other applicable provisions.

Article 14 – Modification of the T & Cs

Tau reserves the right to adapt or modify these T & Cs at any time. In this case, the new general conditions will be made available to the User through online modification.